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Remembering Pip – Our Wire -Haired Miniature Dachshund

It is just coming up to the first anniversary of us losing our beloved wire-haired miniature dachshund Pip. Pip was 15 years old when we lost him, so even though he had had a long life I am sure those of you that have got or lost a dachshund will agree it really doesn’t matter what age they leave us as they always leave a big gap in our lives.123 (2)

Pip was a fantastic dog who we absolutely adored. We didn’t have Pip from a puppy, he started his life with an old lady and he only came into our lives when he was 2 years old when the lady sadly passed away. We had often seen Pip and the old lady when they went out on walks and we always assumed he was a very old dog as the lady pushed him around in a shopping trolley!  It was only when she died and a neighbour asked if we could take him on that we discovered he was in fact 2 years old and could walk very well ! Mind you he would often take a strike on walks if he had had enough and insist on being carried for the remainder of the walk. Not always ideal when muddy!!



Pip had several incidents in his life; he had been run over, broken a leg and overcome his grief of losing the old lady he lived with. Unfortunately, he had been left with her when she died for two days and you could never lay down and go to sleep, as he would come over and start prodding you.


It took a while for Pip to settle with us. It was a big change going from living with one person to living in a family with two other dogs and a child. Pip soon found his feet and was always the pack leader and boss in our house.


Pip loved cake! Everyday he was apparently fed afternoon tea with the lady and his love of cake never left him. If there was cake about you had to watch out as Pip could sniff a cake out anywhere. When our daughter was young she used to come back from a party with her party bags and piece of cake and put it on the coffee table. Sure enough Pip would find it and eat it  much to her disappointment. I used to tell her to leave it in the kitchen so he could not reach it, but she always forgot and Pip always got the cake. On my daughters third birthday I had thrown out the remains of her birthday cake when my husband says ‘Where’s Pip?’ Of course I should have realised where he would be … sure enough he had found the cake and his head came out of the bin bag covered in baby pink butter icing!!


Pip was the boss in our house. He used to bark and moan until I fed him. He liked breakfast on time; as soon as he got up and he would not be quiet until he achieved his goal and got his food served. This is what I miss most about him…. the house just seems so quiet and our other two dachshunds often get breakfast late now as there is no Pip around to organise me.


One of our proudest moments was when Pip won ‘Best Overall in Show’ at a local fun dog show. Not bad for veteran – he was 13 years old. We all miss you Pip.Pip and Japser













In loving memory of  Pip Bell 1997 – 2012


7 Responses so far.

  1. Mary W says:

    What a wonderful boy he must have been. No matter how many years they are with us, it is never long enough. Pip and cake — makes me smile thinking about your silly boy. So very sorry that he is no longer physically with you, but it sounds like he remains close in your heart.

  2. Karyl says:

    Loved this! Last Christmas I lost my doxie after 14 years. I never cried so loud in my life. Emily loved everyone and everyone loved her. I missed her so much. I had to get another. I got another dog inMarch. We named her Trinity. She is just awesome. Thank you for this lovely story. I can totally relate. : )

    • Jane says:

      Thanks Karyl, glad you have another doxie now. We have 2 others, Jasper and Harvey, who are very much loved but you always miss those not with you.I still miss Oscar, my first dachshund and he passed away 8 years ago. Love the name Trinity. Jane

  3. Elin Horsman says:

    He looks and sounds like he was a real sweetheart. The doxie I have now tries to be boss, she is 8 years old and I still have to hand feed her or she would gobble her food down so fast that she would sometimes choke. I have had 4 but she is the only one that is so gluttonous and I have had her from being a puppy and has never had to compete for her food nor has she ever gone without.

    • Jane says:

      Elin , that sounds familiar. When we got Harvey, our other dachs, we had to hand feed him too for ages. Thankfully now he eats just fine. Thanks for your message. Jane

  4. Lisa Webb says:

    This is such a touching story xx really sorry for your loss

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